Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Master Plan

The new master plan expands the footprint of the Garden to enhance ecologies and collections along the Des Moines riverfront. Drawing inspiration from the expressive topography and geologic history of the site, the master plan creates a series of new gardens organized as an ecological transect. “Where the woodland meets the river” inscribes a series of gardens inspired by relevant landscape typologies in Iowa and beyond to create an immersive experience for visitors.

  • As a vibrant, community-oriented public garden located in the heart of downtown Des Moines, the master plan brings significant opportunities to further engage with the river and the community, to create more inclusive and universally accessible destinations within the Garden, and to expand garden collections with innovative horticultural exhibits. A rich curatorial narrative informed by ecology of place gave further expression to the rich site topography, inscribing distinct plant collections to highlight the role of water, soils, and climate in shaping our landscapes. The master planning process was a collaborative effort involving Didier Design Studio, GDMBG staff, and key stakeholders from the Greater Des Moines community.


Chatfield Farms Master Plan


University of Denver Advantage projects